What are herbs ?

The word ‘herb’ means different things to different people. To some, it means a spice that they cook with. For others, it’s another name for annoying weeds that they have to mow once a week. And yet, for a select […]

By | April 18th, 2016|Categories: Herbal Remedies|Tags: |

Four Herbs for Thyroid Disorders

What is a thyroid and why is it so important? Most of us probably have a friend, or a cousin, or an Aunt that has some sort of thyroid problem. And yet, very few of us actually know what the […]

By | April 9th, 2016|Categories: Herbal Remedies, Physical Conditions|Tags: , |

Four Herbs for Allergies

Have you been dealing with itchy, watery eyes? How about a stuffy or runny nose? Did it all begin happening when all of those lovely Spring flowers began to bloom? If you answered yes to any of these, you’re probably […]

By | April 1st, 2016|Categories: Allergies and Intolerances, Herbal Remedies|Tags: , |
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