Physical Conditions

Is Pancreatic Cancer a Death Sentence? (Natural Remedies for Cancer #2)

My beloved grandmother died of pancreatic cancer in 1991. She thought she had the flu in late March. She couldn’t eat without vomiting but wasn’t overly alarmed about not improving quickly because it was flu season, and she was elderly. A month later, when symptoms still hadn’t subsided, she finally consulted a doctor. Early in May cancer was confirmed, and the following month she died.

In the twenty-five years since, western medicine has made zero progress in curing this deadly cancer. Ninety-five percent of pancreatic cancers are exocrine (originating in pancreatic ducts.) When diagnosed at stage IV, the odds of living five years are 1%. Ninety-nine of every one hundred people diagnosed will die. If you’re lucky enough to be diagnosed early with a rare neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor, the likelihood of 5-year survival is a whopping 16%.

People typically live 3-6 months after an exocrine pancreatic cancer diagnosis because when symptoms finally manifest, the cancer is far progressed. Patrick Swayze made a courageous effort to conquer his with an experimental drug (which insurance won’t cover and most people can’t afford). The drug lost effectiveness (simply stopped working) after a year, but he did live eighteen months longer than doctors predicted. The American Cancer Society calls this progress!

Steve Jobs had the rarer, slightly less deadly form – a neuroendocrine tumor – and managed to survive seven years after diagnosis. In the end, Steve and Patrick died untimely deaths at the hands of western medicine.

Cancer doctors still refuse to connect cancer with diet, though many scientific studies support the link between sugar and pancreatic cancer. About 80% of pancreatic cancers are diagnosed in people with diabetes or glucose intolerance, numbers that can’t be ignored!

I have no doubt my grandmother’s cancer was sugar-induced. Granny was a sugar-holic. She loved her strawberry soda and drank it in lieu of water. Whenever we visited, her pantry was stocked full of cookies, cakes, candy, sugar-laden cereals. Her grandchildren adored her because she’d allow us to sneak forbidden snacks when our parents weren’t watching.

Granny was devastated at age 68 to be diagnosed diabetic, after my grandfather drove her to emergency with scary symptoms, indicative of a stroke. Her blood sugar levels were off the charts. She was discharged days later, newly dependent on insulin injections because her severely overworked pancreas no longer produced any.

But diabetes doesn’t manifest suddenly. Surely Granny had noticed symptoms beginning years prior and failed to seek medical care. She probably suspected she’d have to forego strawberry soda. By age 73, my grandmother was blind from impaired circulation. The damage was done, and even Mayo Clinic couldn’t save her vision. At age 78, she succumbed to pancreatic cancer.

Fast forward twenty-five years, to January 2016. My brother’s best fishing buddy sought medical care after he’d lost twenty pounds without changing diet or exercise. Jack’s skin had turned gray, and he became weak. He could barely function when his wife demanded he finally see a doctor.

Digestive organ biopsies are standard protocol for Jack’s symptoms. During the procedure, the surgeon accidentally sliced Jack’s liver, causing infection and abscess. Jack was soon hospitalized, convulsing with a 104-degree fever. Doctors managed to almost kill him, just in the diagnostic phase. The verdict – pancreatic cancer. A carcinoma was pinching the connecting tube to his gall bladder. Jack couldn’t digest food and was starving to death.

Not only did doctors advise him to begin chemo and radiation immediately; they also wanted to perform a dangerous procedure called whipple surgery, wherein a large section of the pancreas is removed. Cancer patients who undergo this procedure have better 5-year longevity odds. Only 75% die quickly, compared to the 84% norm.

Natural Remedies for Cancer

My brother, Rollie, is a mini-me in steering friends away from western medicine. He begged Jack to try another route, a treatment he’d successfully utilized in curing his own cancer. Rollie showed Jack statistics on pancreatic cancer survival rates and convinced him that his odds were far greater with a natural remedy. Jack’s wife was furious that her husband was foolish enough to dismiss doctors in favor of “quackery”.

Jack ignored his wife. Under Rollie’s direction, he bought organic raw bitter apricot kernels. Recommended intake for killing existing cancer is one kernel per ten pounds of body weight daily, divided into three doses. Jack continued the course diligently for eight weeks. Then he reduced consumption to five kernels daily, to avoid cyanide toxicity. Cyanide is a naturally occurring ingredient in bitter apricot kernels.

When Jack returned to the oncologist in March for a follow-up scan, not a trace of the tumor could be found. But rather than admit to a cure, the doctor speculated it had traveled elsewhere in the body and must be “chased” with chemotherapy. He strongly urged Jack to undergo whipple surgery, despite no trace of cancer. When Jack again refused chemo and surgery, Doc prescribed hormone drugs because pancreatic tumors can wreak havoc with hormonal balance. After Rollie googled potential side effects of the drugs prescribed (liver damage!), Jack would have no part of that either.

Three months after diagnosis, Jack has zero trace of cancer. Meanwhile, he regained 22 pounds and his color returned, as did his energy. Unlike traditional cancer treatments, no harm was done to Jack’s body.

Rollie provided Jack with the phone number of a local naturopath, who recommends diet changes and nutrition supplements to prevent cancer recurrence. Meanwhile Rollie and Jack are looking forward to enjoying opening weekend of fishing season together – a future Jack wouldn’t possess, had he followed doctors’ orders.

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Michele Austin

Michele Austin grew up in the frozen expanses of Wisconsin USA, and relocated to sunny Florida in early adulthood to escape the winter blues. Grasping the hypocrisy and dangers of western medicine from a young age, she has practiced natural wellness for 35+ years. Ms. Austin authored the book "They Lie and We Pay (With Our Lives)”. Nicknamed 'Dr. Michele' by family and friends, Ms. Austin generously dispenses knowledge regarding naturopathic medicine and has facilitated many cures. Her passion is world travel (25 countries & counting), with an eventual goal of becoming a homeless wanderer. Ms. Austin is an Ultimate Killer Sudoku freak and an avid ballroom dancer. She is easily distracted from worthwhile projects by the call of karaoke.

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  • Another amazing article Michele. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us. I learn something wonderful from each and every one of your articles as do my friends, family and colleagues.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and please know you are much more than 5 stars in my eyes!!
    Please keep the articles coming. They are changing lives for the better all around you. ❤️

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Michele Austin

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