Thirteen years ago on a perfect spring day prearranged for errand-running, I sneezed half a dozen times consecutively. “That was fun,” I observed while climbing into my Buick. A few minutes later it happened again. And again. Soon my eyes watered profusely, and I was expending every napkin in my possession, honking like a goose. Strange, I thought… could I actually be getting ill?
I never get sick anymore. My immune system is muscular due to long-term nutritional supplementation. The last time I had a cold/flu was March, 1991. The sneeze explosion was a dozen years later, so I marveled at the possibility that I could have contracted an equally muscular virus. Then I noticed the yellow-green powder blanketing my car. “No way,” I mentioned aloud, again. “Am I suddenly allergic to oak pollen?” The season was upon us, after all. Oak trees were in peak bloom, and pollen rained abundantly.
My mother developed allergies to half a dozen irritants at age forty-ish, so I reasoned then that I might have a genetic disposition toward allergies. Mom wandered from one doctor to the next, seeking relief. She subjected herself to skin prick testing, wherein her back was punctured in several dozen spots to test for allergic reactions to whatever. She switched to non-allergenic cosmetics, stopped using gloves containing latex, stopped eating chocolate, etc., and started consuming allergy drugs.
Under no circumstances would I permit a doctor to punch holes in my back, nor would I ingest a drug. But unlike Mom’s cosmetics and latex and chocolate, I couldn’t discontinue exposure to the source of irritation unless I relocated to a desert. Instead I dragged out my health bible, “Prescription for Nutritional Healing” and found the section on allergies.
Activated Quercetin (a nutrition supplement containing bromelain) was recommended. Bromelain, found in pineapples, is a natural histamine suppressant. It prevents the body’s histamine response – sneezing, watery eyes, dripping sinuses – upon exposure to allergens.
Easy enough solution! I kept activated quercetin in my vitamin cabinet. The two ensuing spring oak blooms, I supplemented at the first sneeze and easily survived both pollen seasons. But the third year, I found myself sneezing in late October as well. Florida has a second, less prolific oak pollen bloom in autumn, and I reacted. Apparently my DNA was becoming more sensitized. A few months later, I found myself sneezing in late January. Oak doesn’t bloom in January… pine trees do! I’d developed a second allergy and had to utilize activated quercetin during both 10-day seasons in winter, plus another few days in fall.
As years elapsed, bromelain became imperative to my comfort. If my supply ran out, symptoms were severe. My throat became raw, and I’d lose my voice – highly inconvenient for someone in my profession, since insurance/health counseling involves verbal communication.
Seven years into life with allergies, I happened upon an actual cure. While attending an Orlando chiropractic convention, conversations with other exhibitors led me to a booth sponsored by Allergenix. I was intrigued to hear that Allergenix permanently eliminates the body’s immune response to allergens. The exhibitor was accepting guinea pig applications, so I volunteered. An electric sensor was attached to my thumb and, for ninety minutes, I watched a computer screen record my responses to over 100,000 potential triggers.
The screen lit up like fireworks, registering mild sensitivity to hundreds of items and enhanced sensitivity to six irritants but, oddly, none were oak or pine pollen. The machine detected significant responses to cod fish, fertilized egg yolk, and four other items, which had never elicited an allergic response.
I assured the technician I wasn’t allergic to cod or egg yolk. The tech patiently explained that I was. He informed me that every allergic response is rooted in emotional trauma and eventually manifests physically, which made sense, but I didn’t understand why I sneezed at pine if I’d been traumatized by cod! He dismissed me as a half-wit and reprogrammed the computer. The tech then waved a laser light tube at me and announced that he’d reverse the repressed allergic energy in my body, again with the thumb sensor attached.
For fifteen minutes he moved light up and down my spine, my neck, across the top of my head, forehead, and back again, never making physical contact. Eventually he told me I was good to go, and I walked away shaking my head at such nonsense.
Since the convention was in mid-August, I had no way to immediately test whether Allergenix had cured me. The following spring though, when oak season arrived, everyone was sneezing but me. I realized I’d also survived January’s pine bloom and October’s oak bloom without a second thought. Was it possible that laser light and electricity actually reversed my allergies?
I contacted Allergenix for information on Florida locations, so my allergy-suffering friends could obtain treatment. It was no surprise to learn that the American medical mafia machine had sued, demanding that Allergenix change its name to something less ‘descriptive’. The AMA would never tolerate a brand name that diverted patients from Allergy/Asthma specialists toward a $100 cure. (Note: very severe allergies – those which induce anaphylactic shock or autism response – will require multiple treatments.)
Allergenix is BioLight Technologies today. Treatment is available at BioVeda Health and Wellness Centers in the US and Canada. Meanwhile, six years have elapsed since the convention, and I haven’t suffered so much as a sneeze.
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Excellent article and I am proud to call her my niece!
Very intelligent and she definitely has done her homework!