Physical Conditions

From the Beach to the Bedside – Homemade Bacterial Infection Treatment

A few years ago, I had a scrape on my foot that kept re-opening. I went to the beach and I wanted to go in the water, so I taped a bag over my foot. Well, the tape got loose and water got inside the bag. I foolishly thought that the water couldn’t be that dirty and that my body could defend itself against whatever was in the water. After all, I thought, God made my body able to recognize germs and get rid of them. Well, God also gave me a brain and I wasn’t using it. My open sore was a giant invitation to infection, and in a matter of hours, I could no longer stand on that foot. There was a red streak going up my leg, indicating that I better do something because now I was in danger of septicemia (blood poisoning). I went to the first aid center at the beach and I don’t think I’ve ever been to a less prepared first aid station. They didn’t even have bandages! One of the lifeguards had a little tube of calendula cream and that was it. No antibiotic ointments. I prayed as I applied the cream. I felt so stupid for my negligence, I was afraid I would die from blood poisoning, and I was angry that a first aid center at a beach didn’t have any first aid whatsoever. My foot started to feel better and I stayed out of the water the rest of the afternoon while the rest of my family splashed around. I was grateful that I was going to get to see my children grow up, and I thought about what I was going to do about this infection when I got home.

While calendula (a plant) doesn’t have any antibiotic properties per se, it does help with inflammation in the skin and it has been shown to help wounds heal faster. I knew at the time that it might help, but I wasn’t expecting it to be strong enough to prevent the developing blood poisoning. Perhaps a supernatural boost made it strong enough to make it an effective bacterial infection treatment. Looking back, aloe vera would have been an acceptable substitute, as it does much the same thing as calendula and also relieves pain. Because of its healing and pain relieving properties, it is usually used for sunburn (and if the beach first aid center had calendula, maybe it had aloe too). Tea tree oil is excellent for skin infections, as it has antimicrobial properties to fight all kinds of germs, but I couldn’t have used it because the skin was broken.

Other times that I have had to deal with bacterial infections, they have settled in the lungs. Usually, it starts as a cold that I assume will go away with rest and some herbal tea, but then it doesn’t. Sometimes this is my own fault because I don’t take my own advice. I know not to eat sugar when I don’t feel good (and now it often results in a migraine along with body pain), but hey, if it is my child’s birthday, I’m going to have that piece of gluten free cake! I haven’t had one of these infections in a long time, but my oldest son used to get one almost every year. Again, it would start out as a cold with post-nasal drip. Then the coughing and sore throat would start and get worse. Being a little boy at the time, he didn’t want to do what I said was best until he was stuck in bed feeling really bad. This is the bacterial infection treatment protocol I used for him when it was in his lungs:

1. I made my own cough syrup that contained garlic, elder berry, hyssop, wild cherry bark, goldenseal, coltsfoot, eucalyptus and astragalus.

Garlic and hyssop are powerful antibiotics, with hyssop being specific to the respiratory tract. Elder berry, coltsfoot, and goldenseal root help reduce mucus and inflammation of the lungs and mucus membranes. Wild cherry bark helps with coughing and spasming of the lungs. Eucalyptus is a good decongestant and astragalus root is an immune herb specific to the respiratory tract.

2. I rubbed his chest with diluted eucalyptus and peppermint oils.

3. I gave him a tea that contained hyssop, thyme, elder berry and peppermint.

4. I put a vaporizer in his room with eucalyptus and thyme oils in it. Thyme oil helps kill germs in the air.

After using these treatments for a few days, he would begin to get well. He doesn’t get those infections anymore. Sometimes I would need to use garlic oil in the ears as a bacterial infection remedy when it would spread. Of course, as always, diet is a big part of getting well. Sugar is the enemy of the immune system and reduces its effectiveness by up to 75 percent! Sugar was never a big part of his diet anyway, but he would sneak candies at church. However, he couldn’t get candy if he was lying in bed at home, now could he? At least he didn’t do anything silly like go to the beach with an open wound.

Do you have any questions or comments about treating bacterial infections naturally? I love hearing from you! (You can use the comments section below)

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Julie Polanco

Julie is a homeschooling mom of four and just graduated her oldest. In her spare time, she is a master herbalist, amateur gardener, singer, and writer. She is passionate about healthy living, having seen the benefits in her own life and in members of her family. She is the author of two books, "Purpose of Plants: A Guided Study for Adults and Teens" and a homeschooling book entitled, "Finding Joy: A Christian's Journey to an Unschooled Life."

View Comments

  • I liked your cool story about using calendula on the beach! It shows you that remedies can sometimes be so simple.

Published by
Julie Polanco

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