Many years ago I owned a huge book about homeopathic remedies. One of the characteristics of this book was to describe conditions and symptoms. I had to stop reading this book as I found I was suffering everything, from weak nails to certain death at any given moment!
However, Candida mimics the symptoms of many conditions, so when I thought I had every illness known to man, I most likely just had Candida.
A yeast infection messes with your mind, and it is involved in almost every illness.
Basically, Candida is an overgrowth of naturally occurring yeast in your gut, which affects all parts of your body.
Bad yeasts and bacteria grow quickly, and if not halted in their destructive course, can lead to leaky gut syndrome. This is a break down within the filter system that keeps toxins out of your blood. These then end up circulating your body. The good bacteria conversely, work at keeping your immune system healthy and strong. We want these!
Bloated stomach, a lot of windiness, itchiness down below? These are certainly a sign of a yeast overgrowth, but mine were less obvious.
It was some 8 years after curbing my reading addiction, that I was finally diagnosed with it. By this time I did actually feel like death warmed up. Having lost a lot of blood after the safe delivery of my 5th baby, I was given an epidural so the placenta could be manually retrieved. From this I contracted an infection, and I was given a hefty dose of antibiotics.
By the time this baby was 6 months old, I had also been struck with the flu. I was constantly exhausted, and getting weird panic-like feelings, where I needed to go outside to feel I could breathe.
A concerned friend persuaded me to visit a Kinesiologist. I was fortunate enough to be treated by a practitioner who was at the forefront of Kinesiology in the UK. She assured me I was not actually dying (post baby unbalanced hormonal based fear!) but that I did indeed have Candida – along with a kidney infection and low blood sugar (the latter usually goes hand in hand with candida).
So I was in rather a poor way. I was treated through dietary changes, herbs, probiotics and caprylic acid, a potent anti fungal fatty acid.
Here I am some 25 years later – still alive and very well.
There are many anti candida diet books available, but diagnosis of Candida is often overlooked. This is why I write my experience! I did not have visible symptoms of thrush, which in turn indicates Candida, yet several of my babies developed oral thrush within the first week of life. This can only have come via me as they were born. So getting rid of Candida is not as problematic as recognising it to start with!
Certainly, repeatedly taking antibiotics is not at all helpful. These may kill off an infection in your body, but they also kill off the essential good bacteria.
Unsurprisingly, as with most cases of ill health, diet has a huge part to play. Sugar is the number one enemy, but sugar comes disguised in many ways. Grain foods convert into sugar in your body and even some vegetables need to be avoided.
As Candida is recognised as yeast overgrowth, it makes sense to:
As a natural treatment for yeast infection, cut out all sugar and sugar forming foods, and those containing yeast and mould, i.e., alcohol, vinegar, bread, mushrooms, aged cheese, peanuts, corn. Fruit should also be avoided, as well as carrots, potatoes and beetroots – as these vegetables are high in sugar.
Take Apple Cider Vinegar (never to be confused with any other vinegar). Cider vinegar is a prebiotic (see end for explanation), and it also acts as an anti fungal and an anti bacterial.
Make a drink from 1 tablespoon of ACV to 1 glass of water and drink 3 of these during the day (morning, noon, early evening). This must be the right type of cider vinegar, one that is organic and looks a bit murky. It will only work at its effective best if you use one with the ‘mother’ in it (brown, floaty bits).
Alternatively you can use Bicarbonate of Soda.
Dr. Mark Sircus writes of the potential healing benefits of this cheap white powder:
“It is not a substitute for dietary corrections that lead one eventually into a healthy alkaline existence, but it can be used quite effectively to change the terrain of tissues and cells quickly.”
Take ¼ teaspoon in the juice of a whole lemon and half a glass of water.
You can also use Colloidal Silver, a powerful natural alternative to antibiotics, and usage instructions will be on the bottle. It is short-term remedy. Not one to be taken every day, all year round.
Caprylic acid is very expensive if bought in capsules, but happily comes contained in Coconut Oil. This is another wonderful natural treatment for yeast infection, as it is an anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti viral food.
As Candida dies off, it can produce an escalation of the symptoms you already have. You may feel worse for 2-3 days (or more) before you begin to feel better.
These natural approaches are all gentle, but do work.
You can further aid toxin removal by taking food grade Diatomaceous Earth: 1 teaspoon morning and afternoon in a glass of water. You will need to drink at least a liter and a half of water a day, to allow your body to flush out.
Antibiotics kill off all bacteria regardless of being good or bad.
Probiotics put good bacteria back into your gut.
Prebiotics feed the good bacteria, helping them to grow more rapidly.
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